This blog space will be used to express my artistic creations. Whether that be painted figures, traditional drawings, digital works, photography, or writing... Is entirely at the mercy of the artist.
You've been warned.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tyranid Carnifex, and Ranged Warriors
Over the past... two weeks? I've gone about painting more of my new Tyranid army. I finished off the Carnifex of late, as well as 3 warriors. I've taken shots of the guys, but none of the usual stuff I do where they're racing across a rock surface or something of that sort. It's getting cold and dark in Norway, and by the time I get home these days, the light is fading away. I once use to say "I love the winter and hate the summers." Though with this new hobby of mine, I've found I miss the summer light more these days and dislike the winter nights. I've recently gotten stuck in my painting regime, as I can't get home soon enough for there to be enough light to spray paint the base coats on my models.
Either way, here they are. I did do some photo editing to bring out the colors better. I prefer what I did over what they were, though if you're a real photographer I'd love some pointers. perhaps they're a little TOOOOO colorful =)
Now, some of you have seen these guys in person, as I've brought them in to show off at the office. I can't help but show them off a bit, after all, only in painting do I feel like I actually accomplish something lately. It's a great stress reliever! Hopefully, those of you I pester and show them off to aren't annoyed. If you are, certainly tell me =) Though for those I can't personally show, let me tell you about them in a bit of detail. For those of you who want to see him, feel free to stop by my desk and visit the armada of creatures and vehicles =)
The warriors [the smaller of the 2 models] are glued and permanent. There's nothing overly special about them other than they were painted nicely. I'm not happy with their scything talons, or hooves. However, these were a huge upgrade color scheme wise compared to my gaunts, and I think it's the scheme I'm going to go with from now on.
Anyway, nothing special.
The Carnifex though, he's truly a masterpiece! Imagine this for a moment. Take that massive bug and remove the arms, because you can. Take off the head, and also that spikey front carapace piece on the model. That's right, the creature is entirely magnetized. You can attach one of 3 carapaces to his back, one of 3 heads to that socket, and one of many weapons to his arm slots.
However, more than that, the Carnifex is kind of the figure where all my experience painting a Tyranid has come together now. I now have the scheme, I have the colors I like for the most part, and from now on with these guys it's all about improving brush stroke techniques. Hopefully, you'll see more of these improvements later.
Lastly I had a bit of fun with the base. I wanted to do something else, but I think I'll save that for the next Carnifex. I'm improving my skills with the "Green Stuff," a putty like substance some modelers use to add more cool bits and pieces that weren't there. I've learned a few tricks with the stuff! Expect more interesting bases on future large creatures, with black little holes and bright yellow eyes of ripper swarms peering out of them. =)
Some time, when I feel bothered to do so and probably when I have a week long vacation, I'd love to write up a guide to show how these things are put together. I don't really know how many people would enjoy that. We'll see though!
So many thoughts whirl about my mind with this. I wish I could apply the passion and drive I have for this to other things in my life. It's just so hard. So very, very, very hard.
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