I had a question asked to me, by a dear fan in Canada. [You know who you are! =) ] She was quite curious how small these little buggers were. So, here's a shot that might help show that!
Ya? Small enough for ya? Ya that's right! Tiny eh? Eh eh eh? [That's to be prounced in the Canadian "eh."] I'd say they're about an inch tall if you asked me. Maybe a bit taller than that.
Anyhow, I'm happy they're done, but as always I think I could do better. I need to get a little more control of my hand while doing these. They're are too many jaggies and that may just be the Macro Lense on my camera doing that. Or well, bringing out those flaws. They look a lot better in my hand here. I did go back over each model and tried to do a little extra highlighting. I think that turned out well. You can't see it on the hands, but you can see it in the eyes for sure. I added lighter lines just beneath the eyes to help bring out that surface a bit more, and I made the lines lighter green at corners and various edges. I tried to pay good mind to it, you tell me how it turned out.
Terminators are next, that or the Heavy Weapons team. I can't decide. I know which I want to do first, but I know which I "should" do first in order to reward myself properly. Sigh, heavy weapons team it is then I suppose.
Until next time!
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