The rock, and building face actually look good. If I can say I'm proud or happy with anything, it's that. I really love how the grey went on there, and the dry brushing and black wash really make it shine. That part... is excellent.
It's the brass that I really hate. I thought I'd be clever, you see. I went to the art store and bought proper acrylics, and brass and gold specifically. So I thought, it would go on ok. I was wrong. You can't see it in the photos, but you can see it up close and in person. There are a lot of streaks where the brass is, and it looks like paint rather than it looking like something more proper. I thinned it out, no good. I laid it on thicker and, no good. It just didn't turn out great. Thankfully, from afar [and in my pictures,] you'll never see that =P Neener neener neener! Hopefully, in battle, people will be to focused on shooting at each other to care!
What went right? The tiles for the floor look surprisingly awesome. I'm quite happy with how those came out. I simply used a space wolf grey, and a sombre grey [from Vellejo] to get the pattern down. I threw down some bolt gun metal on the metal bits, and then took a dark wash of black and just laid it on thick. So, they look old and dirty. It's pretty awesome. I'm happy with the effect!
So, what did I learn?
Honestly, keep buildings smaller. Keep my terrain smaller. I enjoy them, but not on as big a scale as these are. I think next time too, I'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet, buy some expensive metal paint from GW, and work with that instead. It's far better than the stuff I was working with from Omer De Serres. [Or, whatever it's called.] It's worth it, and honestly, about the same price even though it's much less paint. At least I know it will go on much better.
Use stiffer board for the base, as it stands, these are all on 2 pieces of board. The first piece curled up way to much after applying glue to it, and the second piece had to be used to hot glue the main piece onto. It, looks kinda ugly. It works though, for a war game I suppose. These kinds of things I'll only learn and get better at as I try again and again. The stiffer board should help with painting too. A number of times while trying to paint these, the hot glue for the buildings would break away from the board because it was too flimsy and bent.
More details. Maybe not more details as in "on the buliding" but, more like in the space behind or between it. I like this, it's nice, but the center of the area could do with a few cheap rubble piles. I definitely have the sprews and bits to do that. So, ya, I should do that next time. It'll give it more character.
Anyhow, time to fix up some space marine bikers and get those painted up.
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