Thursday, March 24, 2011

Terminator Squad Complete!

So, they're completed! They've been sprayed to seal them and the grass added on after the fact. There's not a lot here to say about these guys, other than I'm pretty happy with how they came out. The touch ups compared to the last thing I did really brought them out a lot better. The eyes look amazing, for once, and I added some dashes to the pieces of paper adorning them. They're fantastic! I couldn't have done a better job.

As stated, they're entirely magnetized. It doesn't show in the picture, but that cyclone missile pack is also magnetic, so I can easily remove it if I don't feel like having that on the battle field. Pretty neat stuff! Though not as fancy as my pistol changing Assault Marine I might say ;)

I did some touch ups on my power swords. I'm going to make them this glowing purple like color from now on if I can. I'm kind of happy with what I did on the librarian, not so happy with the sergeant, but I'll improve. The Librarian was a little easier. No, I didn't paint a new Librarian, I just updated his sword so it wouldn't be this ugly silver blemish and instead, a new fancy thing! I might ... at some point, go over his force sword specifically again just to make the etchings on it brighter and more visible. For now though, I like it. It's a step up from what he had before. With this knowledge, I tried to apply it to the Sergeant as stated, but it didn't come out as fancy. Next time I'll do better.
Anyway, since I don't have much else to say, I'm just going to post up the rest of the pictures down here. However, I encourage you to go to my Flickr account where I'll also upload much bigger versions for your viewing pleasure!

Well... Assuming Canada will LET me upload them. Sigh, stupid cap limits. Actually... maybe I'll bring them on USB and do it from work instead =P THIS sounds FAR better than using MY bandwidth! >..> [If it's bad for me to do that, someone please tell me politely =P I'll not do it!]

What's my next project? Well, gift art basically. I've a couple models I'm going to do for friends as needed I did go post on my facebook something about "The first five people to post here get something hand crafted by me." I think this counts as hand crafted eh?
I think his pose is probably my favorite.

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