Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eldar Return

So the silly space elves make a return to the scene. I picked up a few Warlocks, infact, a box of them plus a far seer, because at the beginning of this year I made a post on someone elses site that I wanted stuff crafted by them! In so doing, I had to put up a similar post on my face book and several people responded. I'm sure they knew what was coming to them by doing so! So now, I complete two of my commitments. Well, almost. I still feel like there's a little more work left to do on these guys, and I'll get to it this week some time. But for now, I think they're looking pretty ok.

Two of my friends, I've already painted up some Eldar walkers for. You might recall these or seen them in previous post made last year. So now, I add a warlock to their ranks, a controller for their walker. Someone to "ease their spirits."

As always, I really enjoy painting new things, as it gives me a chance to explore other things I haven't thought of or things that I really wanted to try. Space marines are cool, but they're not super interesting all the time, if you know what I mean. You get tired of them. That's why I swapped to doing Tyranids for a bit! So here I get to try working with cloth.

I'm not a huge fan of cloth to be honest. It's really hard to do, and to do right and well! I think for this warlock, the blue one, it looks ok. I was definitely getting better at it when I tried the second warlock, the green one. I'm still not entirely satisfied though. We'll see how the far seer and the other warlock go. These will do for now.

I guess it's kind of depressing for one, when you're looking at the box of the guys and you see this image. I mean, I see that and go "Holy cow! How'd you do all of that!" When I piece it together, I swear to god they must use photoshop or something to get the lines on. Or, they're using markers in reality to get those intricate line details on there. The patterns. I mean, they're just too damn small to be decals, and they're WAY to clean to be paint strokes. Maybe I just don't have the steady hand? I don't know.

Either way, that's what I'm going to try next on these guys. I'm going to risk totally fucking them up, and I'm going to try and do the details next. I'll save that for another day though. I'm quite proud I got these two done to the point they're at. It's time to do something else for the rest of the evening. Maybe play Darksiders. Or, plot more stuff for the "Deathwatch" campaign I'm trying to run.


  1. Maybe the fine lines are stencils? They look waaaay too precise to be hand painted, but you could do it with stencils I think.

    Your Eldar are looking pretty sweet man. I still think you peaked when you did my Wraithlord though :D \m/

    I've been playing in a Shadowrun campaign - so much fun!

    I'm DYING to play Deathwatch though, it looks awesome. I might pick up the book just to drool over the fluff.

  2. Someone else told me stencils, so color me curious. I thought markers perhaps. I dunno. I'd like to know though! I was going to go to the store and look.

    Deathwatch is definitely a blast. Or at least, my players are telling me so! I keep feeling like I'm being "cheesy" about it, but they're stoked. Go figure! So I'll just keep figuring out how to do more of the same. I'm sticking with strong, powerful, visual moments. Epic-ness! Whatever you want to call it. The librarian keeps nearly toasting himself though =P
