Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Teh Monkeh!

In a DND campaign I'm participating in, with that blue lizard named Kroxigan, most the other people in the group started picking up models as well. Afterall, you get experience for having a model! However, something strange happened. It was kinda nice, an honour in a way? To understand where I come from, well, I browse a lot of art work in a day and see what people get "commissions" for. To be honest, I don't EVER feel my work is worth the money. Don't take that as me saying what I do is "terrible" or "bad." I certainly don't think what I can do isn't amazing! It is, truly, but I never feel it's payment worthy. Therefore, I get really terrified when someone plops down a model and money to paint something! I mean... I really hope I delivered.

So, the campaign takes place in a dark and horrible realm known as Dark Sun. Here, metal is rare and most civilizations are based on darker and more horrific things. It's common to have slaves, to sacrifice things to darker beings, yada yada yada. It's a bad place. So the idea was that this monk wouldn't have any metal. Well, I figured a few things looked too "metal" to not be, so there's a touch of it here and there. But a majority of the things that should have been metal, I was able to pass off as something else I think. I figured, his monk might lavish in a few things. If it's not truly wanted, it can be painted over of course ;)

There's nothing really special about this guy, nothing fantastic that I tried that's different from anything else I've done. I'm still trying to get a better grip on reds and figure out ways to make the edges seem lighter, but not exactly pink. That's not going so well. It's always too orange or too pink. This, I didn't see much difference at all in. I tried using a purple wash though to darken the red, which I think really made its shadows turn out a lot better.

Let's move onto things I did well though. The wraps look fantastic I think. I had a lot of fun finding the right blue grey for that and even touching up with some high lights. They look great. I have to say too, the blue necklace looks great in the photos here, even though I think they didn't turn out that awesome. I'm definitely digging them here though. Oh and the leggings too are fantastic. I was going to try something more desert like, but there was already to much brown. So once I'd made the mistake of painting them more white than brown, I kind of said to myself "Ya, that actually looks really nice. I think I'm going to leave it that way." So, we'll see what the owner says. I believe it can be changed if he's not a fan.

Lastly, and honestly you'll have to look at the first posted picture to see it. I put some eyeballs on this dude! Oh ya, there's eyeballs there! No irises like my awesome "Telion" model for the Ultramarine scouts. No no... But still, he has some eyes in there and that really helps give him a determined look. I hope green was ok, I thought it worked well with the rest of his outfit.

Anyhow, I'll bring this thing in and show him tomorrow, and see if there are any improvements that will be needed to make it entirely what he wants. Honestly, don't think it will be an issue. He did kinda say "You know how those colors and things work, so uh, do what looks good. Ya..." So ya, I think I did that.

What's next on my list? Well, I just ordered an entire Eldar Fighter Squadron with bombers. So, maybe those. In the mean time, I'll probably work on my buildings here, and set up some more scenery to be painted and get that out of the way. My good friend Jorgen is here now! Which is fantastic! Finally time to get some games in and do something with these fancy things I painted! =) Now, the only issue is I need to either find a solution to his cat allergy or get rid of my cat! Hrmmmm... Somehow I knew getting a cat would have some negative side effects. Bother!!!

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